What are your goals? Services - about me - fee options

General Fitness?

Is Your Goal...

General Fitness?
To be a Weekend Warrior?

Is Your Goal...

To be a Weekend Warrior?
To go on a Vacation?

Is Your Goal...

To go on a Vacation?
To get ready for a Wedding?

Is Your Goal...

To get ready for a Wedding?
To release tension


To release tension
Please visit my other site for a lot more information!

Are you a Dancer?

Please visit my other site for a lot more information!

marc's story

I am originally from Montreal and moved to BC in 1999. I am married to Lisa and have a 10-year old son, Nicolas.

My passion for fitness began in 1991. I have worked with hundreds of dancers, athletes and everyday people of all fitness levels – from couch-potatoes to elite athletes.

“Marc’s cutting-edge, out-of-the-box training methods, customized to each client’s needs, have helped hundreds of clients lose as much as 100lbs, prepare for sports, get in shape and/or come back from injuries.

My clients often comment how they love my passion, enthusiasm and the incredible results they see from training with me!


  • 30+ years as a Strength & Conditioning Coach
  • 25+ years as a National-level Gymnastics Coach
  • National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Level 3
  • CFES Course Educator
  • NASM-CES – Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • CFES-CPT – Certified Personal Trainer
  • Twist Sport Conditioning Level 3
  • Standard First Aid, CPR ABC and AEDSSA Certified
  • Pilates
  • Active Aging (Third Age)
  • TRX
  • Kettlebell Agatsu
  • Trigger Point Therapy
  • NASM Mental Toughness
  • NASM Stretching & Flexibility

fee options

Training for all budgets!

  • Why I started:

    I started for me! It happened 5 years ago after 20 years and raising my children.  I signed up with a personal trainer from the very start because then I had scheduled times. It was a great way to make sure I came to the gym regularly and I learned a lot  

    A little bit of my journey: 

    I lost 40lbc so far...

    Marc is my third trainer and the best one I have had. He knows exactly what I need. My goal has always been good health and fitness.  He has helped me achieve those goals. I feel that i am at my best yet he always manages to push me to do better. He encourages me to do exercises I don't think I can do and congratulates me when I accomplish them. Every move has a purpose and has been well thought out. He is always raising the bar.

    I am stronger and more fit now then I was in my 20s. Thank you Marc!

    Chris R
    Chris R
  • I am 75 and I have been with you since 2018 and I am pleased with the results of the training you have provided for me.

    I no longer have to compensate for my bad knee like I have been  for so many years.  I now am able to pick up things from the floor by using my legs and now no longer use my hands and arms to ease the load on my knee.  I still have some pain but I don't have to favor it like I used to.

    Doug B
    Doug B
  • I started working with Marc in December 2017. I was suffering from a number of long term joint problems, most notably a badly damaged knee and chronic back pain. Each of my knees had undergone 3 surgeries in the past 30 years. Unfortunately, the last knee surgery I had in June 2017 did not help my knee. My doctor informed me that my left knee was now at Stage 4 Osteoarthritis, meaning my knee was now bone on bone with little to no cartilage remaining. In addition my right knee was at Stage 3 and getting worse. These problems left me in tremendous pain and unable to walk without crutches even six months after surgery. I attended physiotherapy with no improvement. I tried working out on my own but only seemed to make it worse. In desperation, I decided to hire a personal trainer (Marc) to see if he could help me.

    From the beginning, Marc was very professional and concerned for my welfare. He gave me a wide variety of exercises, starting very slowly to build my strength and my confidence. Within a month I was able to walk around the gym without my crutches or cane (although I still used my cane outside). Slowly my strength and coordination returned. Marc seemed to have an endless supply of exercises and modifications up his sleeve. I never felt pressured to do exercises that aggravated any of my old injuries. I am now able to walk without any mobility aids the vast majority of the time. My agility has improved to the point where I can walk on uneven surfaces with much greater confidence and less pain. My overall strength and fitness has also improved. I am very happy that I made the decision to work with Marc. If you need an excellent, thoughtful, and knowledgeable personal trainer, then Marc is your man!

    Dr Anderson
    Dr Anderson
  • I was interested in working with a personal trainer to not only reach my fitness goals but to also see what it's like to work in the fitness industry. I got paired with Marc (because of my dance and fitness background) and I couldn't of dreamed of a better coach. Not only did he help me reach fitness goals, but he also helped push me physically and mentally in a way I definitely couldn't have done alone. I have always been a fan of finding new moves and ways to challenge myself, so Marc was the perfect fit to help me do exactly that. He showed me numerous exercises that were as unique as they were challenging and he always kept things interesting. I learned a lot about the gym, fitness, health, and even myself in our sessions. I will forever be grateful for the time we shared and all that he taught me! Thanks Marc ♥️

    Alex K
    Alex K
  • My goal was to be physically stronger.  I also wanted to increase my endurance, stamina and flexibility.

    Prior to working with Marc, I had very seldom stuck with any gym program. Over the years I joined many gyms 

    and worked with different trainers. I would regularly quit after a month or two.  Marc was the first trainer I talked to that actually listened to my goals and to my concerns about working with a trainer.

    At the time I started I was 67 and was very concerned about loss of strength and flexibility as I would age.  Marc's knowledge of what I need is amazing. In the time we have been working together my strength had increased immensely. I started with using the lightest weights or bands. I am now using much heavier weights and bands. My core strength has also improved a great deal.

    Marc is a great motivator and believes in his clients abilities to push themselves to be better and stronger. Almost everything Marc had me do was initially outside my comfort zone and now I love it all. We can laugh together now about how weak I was when I started 18 months ago. We also have to roll our eyes about how uncoordinated I was for some of the work we did when I started.

    I have to admit that I brag to my friends about how much weight I can push on the sled!

    Lady P
    Lady P
  • I originally started training with Marc so I could win a fitness bet against a co-worker. Who could hit their fitness goals in the new year by the end of February.

    I never worked with a trainer before Marc. I went to the gym now and then, but didn’t really know what I was doing. 

    After my first couple of sessions I realized I was in for it. I trained with Marc 2 days a week for 30 minutes. Marc has a unique way of getting to know his client. What his client needs to excel. How to challenge and push his client so they want to work harder.

    I was hooked. 

    Not only did I win my fitness bet, but also discovered a passion that I didn’t know I had. On top of being able to do things like pull ups, and push-ups on medicine balls, I am sleeping better, have less headaches, and have almost no back pain from an accident I had years ago.

    Marc has truly changed my life. He’s an amazing motivator, coach, and friend. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for personal training, and will continue to train with him in the future.

    Thank you Marc for having the patience to work with me, challenge me, push me when needed, and especially to achieve my fitness goals.

    Reyna B
  • I joined Anytime fitness after I moved last year into the area. I had not been in a gym in over 2 years and after 2 children was feeling less than confident about my fitness level and body image. I had a trial session with Marc and instantly I knew this was the type of training for me! After many years of long distance running followed by traditional weight lifting I only knew how to work out one way. In those years prior I felt I was truly fit. I soon realized what truly being fit is supposed to feel like.

    During both my pregnancies I suffered from severe pelvic pain and loss a lot of my mobility. I was unable walk without pain let alone workout in a gym. At this time my fitness went to the wayside. My goals with Marc were to return to a level of fitness I previously had in addition to being pain free. Marc’s training methods have proven to be more than efficacious in achieving my goals. Not only is my body pain free, I have never experienced strength in my core like I have now…not to mention getting my “pre-pregnancy” body back! I continue to train with Marc to further improve and push my strength and abilities. His energy and positive outlook on life and every fitness level is not only unique but refreshing

    Kristen R
  • Having a trainer adds a new dynamic to "convincing yourself" that you will do better and go to the gym more often or exercise more. I am now held accountable for showing up and learn so much more about working out than doing it on my own. I most definitely have more motivation and make better choices as far as eating and sleeping go.

    Marc knows how much I am capable of before I do and I am comfortable trying new things without feeling silly.

    I've been training with Marc since 2017 I've lost 40lbs, so far...but what I really enjoy is the strength I now have and the changes I see in myself.

    Marc encourages you to be your best self and to be healthy. He is caring and attentive to what I need as his client and pushes me just enough to be curious what would happen if I took it to the next level.

    Marc genuinely cares about his clients and wants them to be the healthiest version of themselves.

    Thanks for everything Marc and I'm excited to see what comes next.

    Angie F